Hello and Welcome to 2023

I’m Daniela Witten, the Osteopath based at the Connaught Club. You may have seen me wearing my white clinic tunic top in and around the club. My treatment room is located along the balcony above the indoor tennis courts. I have been working at the club for almost a year now. It’s been great.

Although you may have seen me, you may not know what I do, or what is osteopathy? Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions.
I regard myself akin to a body engineer/mechanic, I work out what has happened to you, how and why the injury occurred and then find the best course of treatment to resolve the problem.

I work holistically treating mind body and spirit. By explaining what I think has happened helps alleviate the potential worries and fears a person may have. I work hands-on, using different techniques: soft tissue, traction, stretching, manipulation. Often give follow up exercises to help keep the injury at bay.

My primary aim is to get you back to the things you love to do. I am a strong advocate for empowerment, helping people to help themselves by providing treatment and/or giving advice on exercise so that individuals can recover quickly and be able to lead the life they want.

Anyone at any age can benefit from osteopathy. I treat all sorts of ailments and conditions, sport injuries, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder joint problems, headaches, as well as back pain. My patients vary from young athletes to individuals in their eighties. I am currently rehabilitating an 87 yo who had hip replacement surgery.

You don’t have to have an ache or pain to receive osteopathy treatment. Having regular ‘maintenance’ prehab sessions is an excellent preventative approach it helps to sustain strength, flexibility, muscle tone and joint function. Ideally having these ‘maintenance’ sessions helps individuals to be at their optimal health when participating in their chosen sport or daily life activity.

You can find me working at the club most days, primarily Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9.00am — 8.00pm. Weekend appointments are available by prior arrangement. I also offer home visits to those that are unable to reach the club.

If you would like to talk to me, in confidence, about any health issue or problem please give me a call on 07377 990809. I offer a free 15 min consultation.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2023 Kind Regards

Daniela Witten

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